Thursday, July 30, 2009

Visit from Nana and Papa Dean

Nana and Papa Dean came to meet Carson and play with Owen last week.
It was so enjoyable to have them here!!

Nana and her Hickenbottom boys
Getting a hug and kiss
Papa Dean gave Owen a railroad crossing money bank.
It lights up and makes noise and holds A LOT of money and is the coolest!!
Loves from Papa Dean
Posing with Nana

Owen and Baby Carson

Owen is a GREAT big brother and loves to call his baby brother, Baby Carson.

Carson is about a week old in these pictures.
We went to the doctor on Monday for his 2 week well visit.
He has gained a pound and an inch since birth.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

And then there were 4.

Carson Lane Hickenbottom was born July 10, 2009 at 12:52 pm CDT, 81 years after the birthday of his great grandfather, Leslie Alfred "Bud" Hickenbottom.

Carson comes into this world weighing a whopping 10lb, 2oz. He measures 22 inches long and appears to be happy and healthy.

Other than being sore, Sarah is also doing great.

Carson treated mommy and daddy to a good night of sleep his first night. He slept most of the late evening, had a little midnight snack, then proceeded to sleep another 5 1/2 hours straight before being woken up by nurses.

Welcome to our family, little (big!) boy. We are delighted to finally get to meet you!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just the three of us...for now!

The baby will be here very soon and we are all getting VERY excited!!

Can't wait for the 4th of July!!

Owen loves seeing all of the giant, inflatable dinosaurs, monsters, jumping castles, and so forth at all of the fireworks stands around town. So, yesterday we went to pick up some simple firecrackers and do a little jumping. It made for a nice evening!

Water Gun Fun